The Lebanese University registered a patent related to Dental Medicine
The Lebanese University registered a patent related to "a substance extracted from onions used to glue dental coatings of all kinds", through Dr. Akram Hijazi (Prof. at the Faculty of Science), Dr. Paul Nahhas (Prof. at the Faculty of Dental Medicine), Dr. Mahmoud Kattan (Graduate of the Faculty of Dental Medicine - Class of 2017) and PhD student, Mohammad Kazem Medlej (graduate of the Faculty of Science and pursuing his PhD at the University of Montpellier, France, under a joint supervision with the Lebanese University).
After conducting experiments on the teeth in the laboratories of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and the Doctoral School of Science & Technology, it became clear to the scientific team, that the substance discovered and produced by the student, Mohammad Medlej (subject of the patent registered in the Ministry of Economy & Trade on 17 January 2020) enters in the teeth channels with a depth of 10 microns and a maximum strength of 5 MPa, and is anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory.
The team seeks to develop this substance and use it in the fields of jaw surgery, orthopedics and replacement of white amalgam.
It is noteworthy that Dr. Kattan registered in 2019 a patent in the Ministry of Economy & Trade related to a “machine used to pull a broken file from the dental channels without an endoscope”.