LU research team registers a patent related to memory activation and prevention of strokes
A team of professors and students from the Lebanese University registered a 20-year new patent on 14 April 2021 with the Ministry of Economy & Trade related to memory activation and the prevention of strokes by discovering a new combination of eucalyptus and the pressure-modifying drug candesartan against chronic cerebral ischemia.
The idea of the patent entitled “A new combination of Eucalyptus and Candesartan against chronic cerebral ischemia” began with the graduation project of student Christine Traboulsi from the Neuroscience Research Center of the Faculty of Medical Sciences (Master 2 in Neuroscience Research - Class of 2019) under the supervision of Dr. Mohamed Nasser from the Faculty of Science and the Doctoral School of Science & Technology (DSST) and Dr. Wafaa Chamoun from the Neuroscience Research Center at the Faculty of Medical Science in cooperation with Dr. Akram Hijazy from the DSST.
The combination of treatment used indicated effectiveness in shortening the recovery time from the effects of chronic cerebral ischemia that causes stroke, in addition to improving motor and sensory functions and activating short and long-term memory.