Presidency Offices
The Presidency of the Lebanese University has several offices that carry out various tasks in addition to all tasks assigned by the President. These offices are: International Relations Office, Office of Communication & Information, Research & Development Office, Office of Language Coordination, Alumni Office, Inspection & Administrative Development Office, Center for Careers, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and Legal Informatics Center.
Office of Communication & Information
The Office of Communication & Information at the Central Administration was established on 13 March 2019, and reports directly to the Presidency of the Lebanese University. The Office tasks include supervising the content of the University website, updating its data, covering the news of all Faculties and Institutes and publishing them on the website (in Arabic, French and English) and on the University pages on social media, in addition to creating an archive to maintain the university memory. The Office cooperates with digital media to cover the University news, achievements of its students and professors. It also follows up and publishes the calendar of annual activities, and contributes to the production of publications introducing the University, in addition to any other tasks assigned thereto by the University President. The Office is managed by a General Coordinator and a body of eight members (from the Teaching Staff) appointed by a decision of the University President for a period of three years, renewable. Since its establishment, the Office is managed by the General Coordinator, Pr. Hoda Moukannas, tenured professor at the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences, Center for Languages & Translation.
Head of office

General Coordinator
00961 1 612 628
The Team:

Article 1
An Office of Communication & Information (Office) shall be established at the Lebanese University (LU), directly affiliated to the LU Presidency.
Article 2
Office objectives:
The Office aims to represent to the media and social network, an objective image of the LU, and bring its branches closer by introducing them to each other’s activities and achievements, in order to enhance the feeling of belonging to one unified national university, which in turn enhances the belonging to the homeland.
Article 3
Office tasks:
The Office carries out two types of tasks, both internal and preparatory to the outreach work, and external by following the relationship with the media, social media, and branch and faculty activities.
Article 4
Internal Office tasks:
The Office undertakes the following internal tasks:
- Supervise the LU website content, feed it with information, and develop it periodically;
- Follow up the data update on the website;
- Post news of activities and announcements sent by the faculties, branches and administration on the website, social media and digital media agencies;
- Publish movies related to the LU activities on LU YouTube channel;
- Supervise the content of LU Facebook page and other social media pages;
- Observe the websites and pages mentioning the LU, whether positively or negatively;
- Develop LU website apps;
- Develop the website in terms of User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX);
- Publish the LU news and data in three languages: Arabic, French and English;
- Create a database about pages publishing LU news (students or associations);
- Cover the achievements of the Teaching Staff, students and administration;
- Prepare a daily internal media report on the LU news in digital media;
- Assist faculties and institutes in editing, translating, and extracting all their activity announcements and introduce their specializations, programs, and achievements, to ensure a consistent image of all LU faculties;
- Prepare greeting cards for national events, holidays and covers for the website and Facebook page;
- Maintain and document the activities and achievements of the Central Administration, faculties and institutes;
- Create an archive to maintain the LU memory.
Article 5
External Office tasks:
The Office undertakes the following external tasks:
- Strengthen relations with the media and those in charge thereof;
- Prepare a weekly media report for the media;
- Create a media team in each faculty, from students, professors, and/or employees to cover the faculty and branch activities;
- Connect with the academic and administrative staff and students by sending messages to their phones or emails;
- Prepare the calendar of annual activities by faculties, according to each specialization;
- Allocate a complaint communication means and address complaints by raising them to those concerned;
- Participate in the celebrations and protocols committee;
- Participate in the production of LU introductory publications and student guides;
- Participate in the production of LU promotional tools (posters, rolls, agendas, stationery, etc.) announcing activities in cooperation with LU faculties and branches;
- Issue a unified LU card for students, employees, and professors, and car IDs to link them with a set of promotions from various sports, cultural and entertainment institutions;
- Strengthen cooperation with the Sports Activities Department;
- All other related tasks assigned by LU President or Council.
Article 6
The Office is managed by a General Coordinator and an Office Body, which is hereby designated as "the body".
Article 7
The General Coordinator shall be appointed by a decision of LU President from among the members of the Teaching Staff, for a period of (3) three years, renewable once.
Article 8
The General Coordinator undertakes direct supervision of the internal tasks mentioned in Article 4 above and supervises the work of the staff working within the Office, in addition to the following tasks:
- Call for and chair the meeting of the office body, and prepare the agenda and the minutes;
- Prepare the annual work plan and submit it to the body for approval;
- Implement the decisions of the body;
- Supervise the Office and its employees;
- Communicate with external parties;
- Issue decisions related to Office activities;
- Approve the projects proposed for execution and allow for their implementation;
- Prepare the Office budget draft, submit it to the Body and LU President for approval;
- Prepare the annual report on the Office activities and submit it to the LU Council through the President;
- Receive reports and proposals from the Office members and present them to the Body;
- Coordinate with Faculty Deans and Branch Directors in relation to the Office jurisdiction.
Article 9
Office Body
The Office Body is composed of eight members from among the Teaching Staff representing the following majors: media, public relations, languages and literature, arts, and website and app design.
The Body members are appointed by a decision of LU President based on the proposal of the General Coordinator, for three renewable years.
The LU President appoints a coordinator for external tasks from among the Office members to undertake the implementation of the external tasks specified in Article 5 above and cooperate with the Public Relations Department in the Central Administration.
The Head of the Public Relations Department assumes the duties of the Office Secretariat, participates in the Body meetings in addition to the participation of a member from the engineers responsible for the website in the Central Administration, without having the right to vote.
Article 10
Office Body tasks
The Office Body performs external tasks in addition to the following:
- Propose the Office policy and submit it to the LU Council through the President;
- Approve the draft resolutions proposed by the General Coordinator related to the Office tasks;
- Approve the Office budget project;
- Report on all topics assigned to the Office.
Article 11
The Body shall meet at least once a month at the invitation of the General Coordinator or the request of LU President. A session shall not be considered legal unless attended by at least half of its members.
The Body shall take the decisions by a majority vote, and the General Coordinator’s vote shall decide when the votes are equal.
The LU President has the right to attend the Body meetings and participate in voting and decision-making.
Article 12
The Office allocated budget shall be considered in the Central Administration budget.
The Office's revenues consist of:
- LU contribution;
- Projects supported by local or international institutions;
- Income from implemented projects;
- Unconditional donations and gifts.
The Office expenses are calculated and disbursed according to the principles prescribed in the LU Financial System, by a decision of the President based on the proposal of the General Coordinator.
Article 13
The Office shall have an appropriate headquarters in the building of the Central Administration.
The General Coordinator is assisted by an Administrative Body, of which the number of employees, job descriptions, and appointment is identified by a decision of the LU President based on the proposal of the General Coordinator.
The duties of the Office members include archiving, editing, translation, data entry, websites and electronic pages control, data entry on the website and social networks, graphic design, front end and back end user engineering, and other specializations related to the Office activities.
Article 14
This decision shall be enforced upon its issuance, and notified where necessary.