Report 2020-2021 for the Office of Language Coordination
The Office of Language Coordination (OLC) offers students the opportunity to develop their language skills in Arabic, French and English.
After working in 2020 on its restructuring and the approval of its internal regulations, the Office management, in coordination with faculty councils, organized language support courses in the branches of the faculties concerned, according to unified academic and logistical conditions regarding the target student groups and the mechanisms for calculating the grade, which is now included in the final grade of some courses. In addition, participation in support courses has become mandatory for some students depending on their results in entrance exams.
The office management has also organized several workshops to define the teaching areas and content according to the needs of the students in each faculty, in order to develop their ability to communicate easily at the professional level, without interfering with the language teaching programs applied within the faculties.
With the outbreak of the health crisis in the academic year 2020-2021, the office moved to online learning, after training professors in the use of appropriate technologies and defining the criteria for the implementation of online exams and the procedures for the organization of continuous assessment and partial and final exams, both academically and technically.
It is noteworthy that more than 10,000 students from various faculties have benefited from the services of the office, including the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences, the Faculty of Law, Political & Administrative Sciences, the Institute of Social Sciences, the Faculty of Economics & Business Administration, the Faculty of Fine Arts & Architecture, the Faculty of Public Health, the Faculty of Tourism & Hospitality Management, the Faculty of Information, the Faculty of Agronomy, and the Faculty of Pedagogy.
Moreover, throughout the year, the office members participated in a number of cultural activities in cooperation with the faculties of the Lebanese University and various academic institutions.
Despite the current crisis, the professors and coordinators of the office continue to organize support courses in the aforementioned faculties, in addition to the Faculty of Technology.
The General Coordinator of the office, Prof. Maha Jarjour, confirms that the office aims to maintain academic excellence and improve the language level of as many students as possible.